Hybrid, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Theme: Reflecting on the Malabo Declaration and Outlining the new (Post Malabo) Agenda to Build Momentum, Re-invigorate and Consolidate the Gains on CAADP, and respond to Emerging Trends and Dynamics.
The Objectives of the Joint Launch
Formal release of the 4th BR report to trigger and advocate for the increased utilization for dialogue, learning and advocacy to spur action, adaptations, investment and policy responses at the country level to speed up the attainment of the Malabo Commitments.
Highlight the important findings, messages, issues, themes, gaps, and lessons from the 4th BR Report to help deepen understanding and frame the discussions/discourse, adaptations, and next steps on using the BR Report.
Outline the vision, objective, general approach, coordination mechanism and timelines, and seek broader stakeholder engagement and rally support for the Post Malabo Process.
Generate a call for action and rally support for these two important CAADP processes and outcomes towards realizing the CAADP agenda.
Expected Outcomes:
Have clarity on the content and result of the BR report and the subsequent processes and strategies to promote its utilization to address any challenges and build on opportunities presented by African agriculture and trade in line with AFCFTA implementation.
The launch will also kick-start a year-long process of dialogue and engagement on the BR, to facilitate sharing, learning and utilization of the results, as well as reflection on policy implications before the 5th Cycle of BR by 2025 and, importantly, the development of the post-Malabo agenda for the next 10 years (2026-2035).
Likewise, the Launch will deepen understanding and build consensus on the design and process for Post Malabo Agenda development for greater stakeholder input and buy-in.
The launch is a Hybrid event open to AU member states representatives - Ministers, Government officials, Parliamentarians, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Development Partners, Technical Partners, Academia and Research Institutions, Private Sector/Agribusinesses, Farmers and Farmer Organizations, Civil Society and Non State Actors, Youth Groups, Women Groups, Media, all interested groups, organizations and individuals.